CambodiaSaigonHoi AnHue Hanoi Tam Coc Mai Chau Sa Pa/Bac Ha Hanoi 2 CatBaFinish

Tuesday, April 15
In Bangkok we had a couple of hours before boarding a plane bound for Denmark at 1. 20 am and it was time for some sleep – always difficult for me. Copenhagen is 5 hours after the time in Vietnam and Cambodia so when we landed in Copenhagen after a fine flight it was Tuesday morning and we had spent about 11 hours flying back and the time was 7:40 am. Many people watch a film when they cannot sleep during the night and I am sure Tom must have taken the record. In Copenhagen it was time to say good bye to one another – Anette and Erik were almost at home, Henning, Gunver and Tom took one train, and Birgit and I another and about three hours later we were back home again and looking forward to having a good night’s sleep - but not before it was evening again!! And in our minds we have big and unforgettable experiences from more than five weeks travelling around. It has been a wonderful meeting with nature, culture and especially great people in both Vietnam and Cambodia.