Cambodia |
Monday, April 8 Check out Copenhagen with Thai Airways TG0951 pm. 14:30 to Bangkok and on to Phnom Penh. Was a dramatic departure start. Already on 7/4 called Knud me up and said that he had discovered on the web to Thai Airways had canceled all flights from Bangkok to Købanhavn in May. Canute, Lene, Eigil and Mona were going home from Bangkok Tuesday on 14 / fifth I was busy with the phone on the train from Odense to Copenhagen. First call Thai Airways traitor to confirm that it was true. That was it. Should we stay one day longer or take home one day before. There had to act quickly. I decided that we would one day longer and hoped to Mona, Eigil, Knud and Lene agreed with me. Then I called the Vietnamese amba sat down to renew their visa 1 day. They only had a visa to the 13th / 5th It went easily. End, we find out who will pay for this day. Knud send an email with our expenses. A comfortable flight from Copenhagen to Bangkok and we got good food. It was a brand new aircraft. We did not come to sit there, vertebrate we had ordered, but still got good seats. Tuesday, April 9 After the 10 hour flight we changed planes in Bangkok and landed at 9:00 in Phnom Penh. Here took Ratha, Mum and Mums man against os.Ja Rathas daughter was there too. Mum is Rathas sister. We started our city tour at 12:00. We drove to Toul Sleng prison. We saw Herv horrors of Pol Pot ruled from 1975 to 1979. In this prison executed Pol Pot part of the 2 million who he killed during his rule. It was an interesting visit. We drove to the Russian market, which also has a Cambodian name. We had set aside 1 hour. We drove back to the hotel Khremer Royal hotel. We went to the royal palace, now a museum, as in Bangkok. There is a strict dressing codex. We got to tag. Lene was not approved his attire. Fortunately, Mona an extra tsirt with so it went. An exciting besæg. Royal Palace reminds oom the equivalent in Bangkok. Last Activity is blind massage. We went there. There VSR longer than we had expected and we went to last a Tuk Tuk to 2 U.S. $. It was Knud, Lene, Mona and me. Everyone was excited by the blind massage. It was the first time for everyone except me. We had suddenly busy when Ratha would pick us up at 19:30. There was less than 1 hour for it, but we did it. We got a delicious tasty dinner. We ended with a cup of coffee at a sidewalk restaurant. A long day is over and everyone was pretty tired. ![]() Ratha at Toul Sleng ![]() Toul Sleng Toul Sleng prison ![]() Toul Sleng prison Toul Sleng prison Famous artist ![]() Wat Nom ![]() For Floral ![]() Munk ![]() Ratha daughter ![]() Ratha Royal Palace ![]() Royal Palace Wednesday, April 10 Everyone has got a good breakfast. At 8:37 came Ratha and picked us up. She had her little daughter in 3 ½ years. We must We're going out of the country to see a small village where the family comes from. It's Ratha older brother Sambo, who owns the farm. He should not even. He has a great law practice in Phnom Penh. He visited the farm while we were there. We started MMED to visit a pagoda and so many monks and shared clothes out. After this visit we drove out to the village and ate lunch. Then we shared clothes out. This time we had a lot of clothes with. We also had 100 blankets, these were bought by Ratha. It was a great experience for everyone. It took many pictures. It was a peaceful place 40 km away from Phnom Penh. Last visit is a vantage point with a pagoda and with a really good view. There should relax a bit of before we go out to eat. Ratha comes at 19.00 and we go out to a restaurant. It was a very large restaurant, which Ratha had chosen. Interesting food and lots of music and entertainment. We were back at the hotel at 10.00. Ratha, Rathas husband and sister and daughter were in the eating. So we were 9 total. picture below is taken from facebook from Nouna Srn ![]() Group is seen after distribution of clothes in Cambodia ![]() Distribution of clothes ![]() Distribution of clothes ![]() Distribution of clothes ![]() Eigil, Ratha and Henning ![]() Petrol filling Thursday, April 11 Departure to Siem Reap. First with Tuk Tuk to the bus station and then departure from Phnom Penh at 7.30. We were in Siem Reap at 13:30 and quickly got rooms. We ordered a TukTuk to watch the sunset. After that we had tickets for the big trip in the morning, it was a violent rainstorm. We only halfway before we gave up. We have been out to eat a delicious dinner. Everyone went to bed early. We gotta get up at 4:00 in the morning. Friday, April 12 All were with 5.00 am in the morning. We had to watch the sunrise. It looked fine at first, but there were too many clouds to it could be done. 6.30 gave and ate breakfast instead on a restayrant close to Angkor Wat. Omelet with bacon tea / coffee, moved and jam. First stop is Angkot Thom. royal city. Our tuk tuk dropped us off before the main gateway to the royal city. There are 3 We walked through the gate with good soldiers on the left side and demons on the right, symbolizing the good and the evil. Next stop erBajon temple built in the 1200 århunrede. The temple with its many faces. There were many people because of the coming New Year 13/4! 4/4 and 15/4 full. We went from Bayonet Temple of Wat Boen. It is a large Hindu temple which was completed restored 2 years ago. An exciting visit with many stairs. We continued on to the Royal Palace, then the 2 pool. One for men and one for women, We went to the entrance gate, where the big elephant fights took place. Tuk Tuk taxis waiting for us. We slulle all TaProm, which is 10 km from the royal city. Ta Prom is special because the whole Ta Prom is filled with kæmpetræers roots. I have never seen so many people here. We were everywhere. Then there was time for lunch and we were thirsty, so we could just calm down. We had the tuk tukerne a box of cold water which we used extensively. One day in Angkor from the chef 5:00 am to 16:00 o'clock afternoon is probably the tough remaining on the trip. Heat the many people and all the steps leading to tiredness. We mamglede another temple, the largest Angkor Wat. An impressive building. The multiple wall friezes, which shows the history of cremations. Yes there are several kolimeter. Angkor is an impressive City and ernorm large area is 25% larger poster with New York. 1000 years ago there lived more than 1 million people in Angkor. In Europe, Paris was the largest city with 20,000 humans. We went to the massage. Knud, Lene, Mona and Henning. Eigil was too tired. We should have loosened the muscles. It was a anderlewdes massage than the last. We were all 4 in a room on each mattress. We had all these judo uniform on. The day ended with dinner at the hotel. Unfortunately, Knud and Eigil not ready to dektage. A long day was over. ![]() Angkor Wat Sunset Angkor Wat Sunrise Angkor Wat ![]() Sunrise over Angkor Wat ![]() Angkor Wat Angkor Wat More about Angkor Wat ![]() Bajontemplet ![]() input port royal city of Angkor Thom ![]() The large Hindu temple in the Angkor ![]() Bayonet Temple Ta Phrom with the big trees ![]() Ta Phrom with the big trees ![]() Ta Phrom with the big trees Here was elephant fights ![]() Jersey from Danmamrk ![]() Angkor with the steep stairs Saturday, April 13 A relaxing day. Chhiev our guide picked us up with 3 tuktuk at 8:00. We drove to a kitten Fiueld pagoda. We are close to the New Year, so there's a party everywhere. Many came with food to the monks. Next stop by one of our tuktuk drivers dwelling. I have promised him a shirt that his son be photographed with. A new exciting home that is modest. They are poor people, but happy and satisfied. Now, we drove to børn home and saw his crocodiles. He had expected to feed them until we came. We saw crocodiles, which was only 1 year old. Some were 2 ½ years. The 2 groups were separately. We also saw crocodile eggs. Børn two daughters were with the rest of the trip. Next stop is Sophals home. She is a tour guide in Siem reap. She is especially good for Spanish and English. We got cola and shortages and greeted Sophals 2 sisters and brother and mother. Now it went against Tom Le Sap river and lake. We rented one boat and sailed out to a restaurent on the lake. Here we got a drink and this time spidste we do not. It was exciting to sail on the lake. We saw Nange villages around the lake. We were back at the hotel in good time for changing and a bath. At 16:00 we drove by tuktuk for the last time at the airport. An exciting Cambodia trip was over. We had made many friends here. We had a comfortable flight to Saigon. We flew 20 minutes before the agreed time and was therefore also promote 20 minutes before. Huong, who is Thuys sister in Hanoi, knew that we would come at 19.00. They take at least 15 to 25 minutes to get through passport control and dispensing of bagade. We drove into her husband's car. Huong and I took a taxi. We are now accommodated at the hotel. Haung wanted that we came to her daughter's birthday which was today. She is now 10 years. We got many experiences in one day. ![]() daughter Mandaly Inn ![]() Chhiev and his wife ![]() Chhievs daughters ![]() Børn home and his pet crocodiles ![]() School Ton Le Sap |