Cat Ba |
Thursday, May 9 Khoa came and picked us up at. 7:00 tomorrow. We need to Halong Bay. We had the road a break at a center that has many people with disabilities, especially hearing impaired. I had many images from the last trip. They sold lots of beautiful pictures. Knud and Lene fell for one of the pictures. When we got to Halong Bay, there came a message that the authorities may not give us permission to sleep on the water. It was a big disappointment. We were allowed to sail out, had a nice lunch, visited a stalactite cave, very big and nice. Now here at. 16, it has been announced that we are allowed to sleep on the water. It was all happy. We are very careful to allow for navigation if there is imminent storm. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery as we sailed past. Halong Bay is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Kl. 19:30 we got an exquisite fine midag. Very tasty and beautiful decorated. We just sat on the upper deck. Lene, Mona and I went to our cabins at. 21.00. I will tomorrow opkl 05:00. ![]() On the way to Halong Bay (Disability Center) ![]() Oanh works Disability Center Disability Center ![]() The photo that Canute and Lene bought ![]() Thuy Linh and Henning Friday, May 10 We had a quiet night, no wind. There were clear weather this morning, but cloudy. Breakfast at. 08:00. Thuy has severe toothache that hurts her very much. She should have been in the country, but it was a bit complicated because of the authorities. You can not get on and off the boat. So she is with yet. It is an incredibly beautiful landksab, we sail through. Everyone sits on the upper deck and relax. So far the weather has behaved better than expected. We sailed between the great formations of the mountains. It took many pictures. Kl. 12:05 we cast anchor at a pearl farm and had a nice lunch. We sailed to a beach, was handed the large beach hand clothes on the boat. Afterwards nice shower in the cabin, and we felt ourselves as born again. Now here at. 17 we arrive at our sleeping place. The weather is getting better and better. Maybe we get a nice sunset. Weather accounted for a beautiful sunset, but the sun failed to last. We did not think we could be impressed more, but we were at supper, which surpassed the previous day. After dinner impressed with the chef to show how he can cut the vegetables out. It was really impressive. Before we ate, there was swim from the boat. Knud jumped in the water with Khoa and Ding, our driver. Thuys man was also in the water. We had a beer on the 1st floor terrace. The weather was pleasant. ![]() On departure (Facebook) ![]() Knud and Linh (Facebook) ![]() Boat ![]() Halong Bay ![]() Lunch on the boat ![]() it differently decorated table (from facebook) Halong Bay ![]() Halong Bay ![]() Halong Bay Saturday, May 11 I was up to see the beautiful sunrise, but it failed me. The boat sailed by night place at 6:00 tomorrow. The captain should have a stamp to proceed. We are now on the way to Cat Ba., Where we have 2 nights. Although it is not high, blue sky is clear and good weather. We were on Cat Ba approx. pm. 10:00, short across the island by car, again a beautiful trip. We passed the national park, where there are 2 trekking tours from. A very difficult 8 hours and a light trip time of 2 hours, which are only slightly, since it is short. These trips are over for my vedkdommende. We passed a hospital from war. A hospital built into the mountain. Here was oparationsstuer pads of the Vietnamese waited to be healthy. Now there is only the bare rock walls. We arrived at our hotel at. 10:30, where we got our rooms. I live with Khoa and Ding. We actually have 2 rooms. It turned out that it has the other also. We have a bed in the front room and a large double bed in the next. Canute, Lene and Eigil, Mona had a sitting area in the first room. Kl. 10:30, we did a little tour of the town and up to the market. We ate a light lunch at Green Manko, a good eatery for Western people. They make good mad.Vi also ate here tonight. We went to the beach. We went to the beach # 1, passed on and went for a beautiful walk to beach No. 3 We go on a little cliff road 50-75 m above sea level. It takes 20 min. to go from beach 1 to beach 3, which is the best. Vik each got a couch and could jump in the waves. Eigil can not be that long, so he went back to the hotel after 2 hours. You are also not so good to sunbathe, so I went to the beach No. 2, where Oanh Le had weekend with his company at the Flamingo Resort. Here all live in bungalows. To get there I went back to the beautiful trip to the beach 1 and then 15 min. on the road. The reason that there is disorder in numbers is due to understand the beach # 1, so beach 2 and 10 years later was built the largest hotel "Sunrise", which was beach No. 3 We had a lovely dinner. All were with. On the way home I bought pearls. After long negotiations I got them for the price I would give. You can feel that summer has started. Here's an incredible number of people. I have never seen so many people here. Now it is also weekend. Many from Hanoi takes the weekend to Halong Bay and Cat Ba. ![]() Pearl Farm ![]() Khoa jumping into the water ![]() Knud jumping into the water Sunset seen from the boat Video with Catba. Video with Halong Bay Sunday, May 12 We were all up to eat breakfast at. 7.30. A good breakfast in the splendid surroundings. It was a roof terrace on the 9th floor. At 9:00 we went to the beach - beach No. 3, where the 5-star hotel. We bathed much. The weather was fine and clear. Kl. 11 could Eigil and I did not take any more. We walked the beautiful vantage way to the beach No 1.Her we took a motorcycle to Flamingo Resort at the beach No. 2 We visited Oanh Le. We got a "Margarita" with her. Heard wonderful music by baren.Vi wanted to dance. Were selected randomly to be dancing with the bartender. Oanh Le paid motorcycles back to our hotel. I came upon Mona, who was on his way home from the beach. Eigil, Mona and I went to Green Manko to get some lunch. Lene and Knud came from the beach so we all got lunch together. Sun tire, so all needed a little break. I went with Khoa to order dinner at. 2000. Thuy would have a conversation with me. We eat the night somewhere new. Decent food but not as delicious as the Green Manko, but Lene says, it's nice to try something different. We ended with a glass of sugar cane juice at one of the garden stalls. We do not do that much, but the sun fatigue. Tomorrow we leave Cat Ba. Running from the hotel at. 7.30 and sailing pm. 8:00 to Halong Bay. ![]() Flanmengo Resort Oanh Le ![]() Flanmengo Resort dance Monday, May 13 Breakfast at 9 floor overlooking the harbor. The boat we were on was 5 min. delayed. It is normal that times on the water may cause some delay. But now we are on the way to Halong Bay - last cruise. Ding quickly found our car. We did not have as much haste as earlier when the group is not going home today. We visited a pottery factory. Unfortunately, there was dinner break. There were 2 ladies and showed how but painting ceramics. Canute, Eigil and I tried us. They were not impressed! We drove towards Oanhs parents' home. We should have lunch there, see Oanhs man who is deaf like her, but not least their newborn daughter, named Huong. It was a lovely lunch. There was really made much out of it. Oanhs father is stopped breeding snakes and skunks. Now it went against Hanoi. Knud was the uncle of Thuys daughter Linh the 80 km to Hanoi. Tonight we are going to eat at a French restaurant. ![]() They have taken a job as pottery painters ![]() Chef makes a flower of a watermelon ![]() Thuy ![]() Our boat where we were 2 nights ![]() Oanhs home ![]() Oanhs parents' home ![]() Oanh, mother, father, brother, husband and child ![]() Oanh with her child |